9835 Independence Ave. 
Chatsworth, California 91311 USA 
ph. (818) 773-5551 fax (818) 773-9077 

At Trading Connection, you can save the environment, and raise money for yourself, your company, or your charity all at the same time!

Fact: It takes over 1,000 years for a Toner or Ink cartridge to completely decompose.

Fact: Toner Cartridges require (an average) of 3 quarts of oil to be created

Fact: The EPA estimates that over 350 Million Ink and Toner cartridges are thrown away EACH year!

Fact: Printer Cartridges make over 1.9 billion pounds of waste in America's landfills.

Fact: Inkjet and Toner Cartridges can be remanufactured to work just like the OEM counterparts. This saves energy, waste, and our Earth. Remanufacturing Cartridges decreases the amount of plastic, steel, aluminum and rubber sent to landfills.

Fact: Trading Connection can help both you and the environment.

Simply contact us with the cartridges you have available, and we will arrange shipping within 24 hours!

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Trading Connection, Inc.
9835 Independence Ave.
Chatsworth, Ca 91311
ph. (818) 773-5551     fax (818) 773-9077

Trading Connection, Inc. only buys and sells empty Toner and Inkjet cartridges. We only buy OEM empties (no compatibles), and only those that are of U.S. Origin.
Trademarks and brand names are the properties of their respective owners and used for descriptive purposes only.